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Showing posts from June, 2019

The way of AfDA: Disarming Diabetes Daily

Thursday, 20th June, 2019 Written by Mukantwari Edith Prudence A big and beautiful official welcome to our blog. We are so glad you are here. I hope that you have heard of Africa Diabetes Alliance ( A f DA ) before. However, in case you haven't, I hope that this serves as an introductory post to understanding our why and joining our patient empowerment efforts, and passion for developing and sharing resources to support the existing health structures in striving to improve the narrative of diabetes care for the better both within our country Uganda, and Africa at large. We believe that knowledge is potential power to help us make better health decisions, but true power lies in transforming that knowledge into action to make positive change happen. We hope that this can be a supportive, resourceful platform for us all as we take on our journeys of disarming diabetes together. A f DA: Unity in action against diabetes for a brighter future Whatever kind of diabetes we, or a f...